IoT conference 2022 at Delft

We present in this work a Lightweight Transaction Protocol (LTP) for enabling constrained embedded devices’ interaction with multiple types of blockchains via the LoRaWAN communication protocol. The proposed protocol provides the benefit of interacting with multiple blockchains with only 13.5\% decrease in battery life. The protocol also includes a gateway module API that connects to blockchains and generic smart contracts to authenticate end devices and store their data. The study points out that, in the worst case, end-device data can be stored in blockchains with a latency of 20.3 seconds for Substrate and 6.8 seconds for the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain.

16ème Colloque du GDR SoC2

It was a pleasure to meet the GDR SoC2 community at Télécom Physique Strasbourg. I had the chance to present and talk about my thesis subject with very interesting researchers coming from various domains. Blockchain technology topics seems to slowly but surely getting into the everyday conversations. Mainly because crypto-currencies are at the center of … Read more

Blockchain Stampede 2021

I had the opportunity to participate in the Academic Conferences – HUB Côte d’Azur Blockchain. This conference academic day of the Blockchain Stampede aimed to promote a multidisciplinary dialogue around the new issues related to blockchain, both in terms of design, implementation, uses, or legal issues of a new kind.